Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Wild, Wild West: Kanye's New Album Art Forecasts Creative Growth

I was feeling pretty ill yesterday morning and I am not certain whether it was my overdosing on Mucinex DM or the album artwork for Kanye West's latest and aptly named album, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. After a few hours, the nausea was real so I blame the over the counter drug. However, the maniacal artwork for Kanye's recent, critically-acclaimed album seems like an unshakable nightmare for parents across the nation and globe, for that matter. The visual artist, George Condo, depicts an undeniably odd image of fornication between an ape and a maiden-looking-phoenix, this being one of five head-scratching images to be purchased with Kanye's new album.

The content of this visual work is something to be anticipated and marveled at in the high art world. However, it seems strikingly unprecedented to be the cover of a Billboard number one album, let alone the album art for one of today's most widely popular and purchased music artists. This is not to say the visual piece does not belong. In fact, it is a strange, irreverent, and welcome sight to introduce such material to the mainstream. 

The selection is bold and defiant. In the many ways Kanye has pushed the envelope, whether it be twitter feeds, press interviews, award show behaviors, or any other misstep inventoried over the past ten years, this artwork selection for Twisted Fantasy seems to be the most tasteful gesture of public offense to date for Kanye. 

Spreading this eyebrow-raising piece of visual work is an artistic choice and truly the most valid controversial decision Kanye could have made to accompany the release. The art selection was calculated, punctuating the themes of his new chart-topper, and - for once - siphoning attention away from the public insanity of West personally and redirecting focus and judgement onto the album. While the release is not supported by some stores due to the controversial artwork, the visual statement is a creatively advantageous and credible position for Kanye West. 

As difficult as it is to admit that a correct choice may have actually been executed by the media titan, it is strangely true. Even given the disturbing and peculiar imagery of his "Runaway" music video, (the centerpiece character of the birdlike phoenix goddess or the red klu-klux-klan-hood boy), these images are left open for interpretation in the "film" (the 35-minute, 18-years-or-older-viewer piece cannot be considered a simple music video) contains West as a stoic protagonist, serving mere point of view purposes. All of these creative choices, beginning with the album art, are shrewd decisions in making Kanye's artistic position an avant garde one; which is inherently difficult to criticize. So as the world watched for a blunder to top the last, Kanye West actually derailed onto a new track that is far more suitable a place for him than mainstream: eccentric.  

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